Voucher Entry

Use the standard voucher entry programs to enter vouchers for Peru. After you enter a voucher, the system displays the Voucher Additional Information - Revision form which enables you to enter withholding information for the supplier and information about the original supplier invoice. The system stores the information that you enter in the Peru AP Tag File - PER - 04 (F76P0411T) table.

See Setting Up Withholding in Peru.

When you enter multiple vouchers for suppliers, the Voucher Additional Information - Revision form appears for each entered voucher. When working with multiple vouchers, you can:

  • Void multiple vouchers by selecting Cancel Voucher.

    The system voids all vouchers after the voucher that is displayed on the form.

  • Void a single voucher by clicking Cancel.

    The system voids the voucher that is displayed on the form and then displays the next voucher.

When you enter vouchers for suppliers, you must enter the corresponding withholding amounts for general sales (Impuesto General a la Venta [IGV]) and the tax duty payment (Sistema de Pago de Obligaciones Tributarias [SPOT]) taxes. When you enter amounts for IGV and SPOT, the system validates the amounts that you enter by verifying that:

  • The company is a withholding agent.

    You specify whether a company is a withholding agent in the Legal Company Constants program (P76P002).

  • The supplier did not submit a withholding exemption certificate, or the certificate is expired.

  • The document type for the tax line is defined as a tax in the Withholding Document Type (76H/HO) UDC table.

  • The amount of the voucher is greater than the minimum withholding amount for the identified in the Spot Maintenance Percentage (P76P410) program.

When you enter the withholding amounts, you enter the amount as a negative amount, and use a tax explanation code of VT (VAT tax). You must enter separate lines for each tax.

Each voucher for IGV withholding includes only lines for IGV; you cannot include lines for other taxes or for other transactions.