Print Invoice - Portugal SOP/AR (R74L3030)

The system launches the Print Invoice - Portugal SOP/AR program (R74L3030) when you print the invoices for Portugal from the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable system or from the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management system.

When you print or reprint credit memos, the system prints on the credit memo a reference to all of the invoice to which the credit memo refers. For example, the text Nota de Crédito referente às Facturas: 9, 10 is printed on the credit memo where, Credit Note 8 was applied to Invoices 9 and 10.

You can specify the number of copies to be printed using the legal document type setup. You can print three copies of the invoice the first time that you print an invoice. On the first copy, the system prints the text Original. On the second copy, the system prints the text Duplicado, and on the third copy it prints Triplicado. If you reprint the invoice for the second time and onwards, the system prints only one copy. When the system prints the invoice for the second and third time, it prints the text 2ª via and 3ª via respectively. When the system prints the invoice for the fourth time and onwards, it prints the text Reimpressão.

The Invoice Print Portugal - SOP/ AR program prints the tax summary based on the setup in the Legal Document Types program (P7400002) and the tax exemption reason from the Tax Rate /Area Additional Information table (F74L4008). See Invoice Samples for Portugal.

If you print the invoice for test or training purpose, then the printed document must contain the expression identifying that it is a document for training purposes. For example, the print Documento emitido para fins de Formação is printed as the watermark.

When you print a signed batch invoice for Portugal, the Portugal Invoice Print program prints the text Cópia do documento original on the invoice. If the invoice is a signed batch invoice, then the legal document type must exist in the Portugal Signed Invoice Legal Doc Type UDC (74L/SI).

When you print a manual invoice for Portugal, the Portugal Invoice Print program (R74L3030) prints the text Cópia do documento original-FTM abc/201200001 on the invoice, where,

  • FT is the acronym defined in the - Invoice Type field of the SAFT-PT, followed by letter M,

  • abc is the series of the place of issue of the manual document

  • 201200001 is the number of the manual document

If the invoice is a manual invoice, then the document type must exist in the Portugal Manual Invoice Document Type UDC (74L/MI).

When the customer's tax identification is not provided, the system prints the text Consumidor Final in the place of Tax id on the invoice.