Specifying Versions and Print Programs

Access the Legal Documents Print UBEs & Versions Revision form.

Legal Company

Enter the company for which you set up the association between a print program and a version for the print program.

Legal Document Type

Enter the legal document type for which you associate a print program and a version of the print program. The value that you enter must exist in the F7400002 table.

Issue Place

Enter the place of issue of the legal document. This field is optional. The value that you enter must exist in the F7400004 table.

User ID

Enter a user ID to confine permission to print the document to the specified person. This field is optional.

UBE (universal batch engine)

Enter the print program to which you want to associate a version.


Enter the version of the program that you specified in the UBE field that you want the system to use when you run the specified program.