Understanding Amount Difference Vouchers

You enter amount difference vouchers when there is a difference in the exchange rate on the date that you enter a voucher and the date that you pay the voucher. You run the Generate Amount Differences Voucher program (R74R4010) to generate vouchers to account for the gain or loss. The system writes records to the F0411 table for new vouchers created from the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Payable system, and writes to the F03B11 table when you run the Generate Amount Differences Voucher program from the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable system.

When you run the Generate Amount Differences Voucher program, the system creates vouchers for the gain or loss. You must post those vouchers.

When you run the Generate Amount Differences Voucher program, the system generates vouchers in domestic currency, and:

  • Marks the vouchers as paid.

  • Summarizes the lines by original document and tax area.

  • Shows the amount difference as either the gross amount or the taxable amount, depending on the processing options.

  • Generates entries to the F0911 table.

  • Writes records to the F0414 Tag File - RUS (F74R4014) table.