Understanding Correspondence of Accounts

Correspondence is the relationship between accounts used to process certain types of transactions. The Russian government defines rules for the accounts to which transactions can be credited and debited. For example, if you debit an account for an asset under construction, you can credit only an account for materials, stock, accounts payable, future period expenses, or other payables. The rules for correspondence also specify the naming conventions for the accounts. For example, accounts used for fixed asset transactions must begin with the characters 01.

When you generate reports to meet legal requirements, you can produce the reports only from accounts that are enabled under the rules of correspondence. These reports include the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow reports.

To work with correspondence of accounts, you:

  • Run the General Ledger Post program (R09801).

  • Run the Correspondence Transaction Generation program (R74R9801) to write detailed correspondence information to the Correspondence Rules table (F74R9011).

  • Use the Correspondence Batch Revision program (P74R0011) to create batch headers for correspondence batches and change batch statuses.

  • Run the Post Correspondence program (R74R9002) to post correspondence transactions to the Correspondence Balance table (F74R9002).

  • Use the Correspondence Maintenance Application program (P74R9011) to modify or add correspondence records in the F74R9011 table, as necessary.

  • Run the Repost Correspondence program (R74R9003) to post the changes you make to posted records in table F74R9011.