Dropping SQL Server Databases

For uninstalling, you must drop the SQL Server databases that were created by the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne installer prior to uninstalling the Platform Pack. If you fail to drop the databases before you run the Platform Pack installer, and then you subsequently reinstall JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Release 9.2, the Microsoft Windows operating system will delete the databases the next time the machine is restarted.

This section lists the SQL Server databases that must be manually dropped by a DBA. This is the list of databases that were created by the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Release 9.2 installation of the Platform Pack on your Enterprise or Database Server for your JD Edwards EnterpriseOne installation, or from a previous JD Edwards EnterpriseOne installation.

Tip: The Platform Pack installation provides scripts to drop the SQL database and users. The location of the following scripts was specified during the Platform Pack installation by the screen entitled: SQL Server Database Information in the field entitled: Database Scripts Directory. For example, that directory might be called:Z:\JDEdwards\MSSQL\Scripts The names of these scripts are:SQL_drop_db.batDrop_users.bat (Caution: This script should only be used for new installations. It should not be used for upgrades.

By design, these databases are not automatically removed by the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne uninstallation program. You should have a DBA for your RDBMS manually remove any unused databases listed in the table below.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Component

SQL*Server Database Name

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Purpose




Object Librarian

Data Dictionary

Server Map



Production Object Specifications

  • Central Objects

  • Versions


Production Data

Production Control Tables



Pristine Object Specifications

  • Central Objects

  • Versions


Pristine Data

Pristine Control Tables



Development Object Specifications

  • Central Objects

  • Versions


Development Data

Development Control Tables



CRP Object Specifications

  • Central Objects

  • Versions


CRP Data

CRP Control Tables