Editing the Development Client jde.ini File

Note: If you are using SnapShot, you do not need to manually edit the jde.ini file to manage multiple clients for multiple foundations, as described in this procedure.

This section describes editing the jde.ini file for a Development Client.

In order for the Release 9.2 clients to access the new tools release, you must edit the jde.ini file on each client to point to the new directory.

Complete the following task on all Release 9.2 clients that have path codes that will access the new tools release.

Note: You will be unable to access multiple tools releases with a single client. To access multiple tools releases, you will need to install a different client for each tools release. This will require using the SnapShot application to save each client before installing the next one.
  1. On the Release 9.2 workstation, open Microsoft Windows Explorer, and navigate to your Microsoft Windows directory. For example:

    cd c:\WINDOWS

  2. Open the jde.ini file.

  3. Locate the [JDENET] section, and edit the port settings for serviceNameListen and serviceNameConnect. Change these entries to match those of the server jde.ini file for the new tools release.


where portNumber is the same port number you entered in the jde.ini file on the Enterprise Server.