Installing Multiple Tools Releases on the Deployment Server

  1. Sign on to the Deployment server using the JDE user ID.

  2. Make sure that all JD Edwards EnterpriseOne processes (for example, Solution Explorer) are not running.

  3. On the Deployment server, navigate to this directory:


    where z: is the drive on which the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne host code is installed.

  4. In the E920 directory, create a directory called


    where TR_Original is the release number of the tools release currently installed. For example, System_920.

  5. From the \JDEdwards\E920 directory, copy (not move) the following directories to the new System directory (System_TR_Original) that was just created. This will serve as backup or rollback location for the previous release.



    OneWorld Client Install

    Caution: Ensure you do not move these directories; they are required in both locations. This is because the installer needs to save a copy of the jdbj.ini and jas.ini files so you can relocate them in the new system directory.
    Note: If you get a warning message, it indicates files are locked. You need to ensure that JD Edwards EnterpriseOne or any other application is not running and causing a lock on any file.
  6. Install a Management Agent on the Deployment Server. This should be the Tools Release 9.2 version of the Microsoft Windows version of the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Management Agent.

    Refer to this chapter in the Server Manager Guide:

    Install a Management Agent

    Note: The installer for the Management Agent requires a 32-bit JRE. You can use the same JRE that you used to install the Deployment Server using the OUI installer.
  7. Register the Deployment Server to the Server Manage Console.

    Refer to this chapter in the Server Manager Guide:

    Register a JD Edwards Deployment Server as a New Managed Instance

  8. Obtain and deploy the Tools Release software component for the Deployment Server.

    Refer to this chapter in the Server Manager Guide:

    Managed Software Components

    Note: Changing Tools Releases on the Deployment Server. When you use Server Manager to install the Software Component for a Tools Release prior to 9.2 on a Deployment Server, these two directories (which are the entire contents of the Tools Release portion of the Deployment Server) are backed up in a .jar file:
    • \System

    • \OneWorld Client Install

    Therefore, when you use Server Manager to change a Tools Release prior to 9.2 on the Deployment Server, only those directories are restored. For Tools Release 9.2 and greater, the Server Manager install of the Tools Release performs differently because the contents are already stored in a .jar file where they can be extracted. In all cases, whenever Server Manager installs or changes a Tools Release, additional special files such as certain .ini and .html files are backed up.To fully preserve a Deployment Server, you should manually perform a full backup of the machine.
  9. In the E920 directory, create another new directory called System_TR_New where TR_New is the release number of the tools release being installed. For example, System_91_A1.

  10. Move the newly installed System, SystemComp, and OneWorld Client Install files and directories into the new directory:


    For example, \JDEdwards\E920\System_91_A1.

  11. Restore the original directories by copying the System, SystemComp, and OneWorld Client Install directories from System_TR_original to the base installation directory x:\JDEdwards\E920.

  12. Locate the jde.ini in this location:

    \JDEdwards\E920\System_TR_New\OneWorld Client Install\Misc

  13. Modify the above-located jde.ini to change the port to that on which you wish to run the multiple foundation. For example, valid ports might be 6014, 6015, 6016, 6017, etc.