Microsoft Windows Security

When installing, uninstalling/deinstalling, or running any JD Edwards EnterpriseOne product on Microsoft Windows operating systems, be sure to follow the below guidelines. This includes saving or restoring or deleting snapshots of EnterpriseOne using the SnapShot program. Not following these guidelines may cause unexpected errors to occur.

  1. Registry and directory permissions

    Be sure that the user account into which you are signing into Microsoft Windows is in the Administrators group or a similar group that provides permissions to write to and read from registry hives (for example, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE) and disk subdirectories (c:\Windows) that are restricted from standard Windows users.

  2. "Run as administrator"

    When starting any JD Edwards Enterprise One executable such as Change assistant, ESU setup, EnterpriseOne, SnapShot, client install, you must right click on the executable and choose Run as administrator. Failing to do this might result in incomplete or failed processes.

    If a file that you need to edit and then save is located in a directory with access restricted by UAC, you will need to right-click on your text editor program's icon, select Run as administrator, and open the file from within the editor. If you do not follow those steps and Microsoft's User Access Control (UAC) is turned on, you may not be able to save the modified file.

  3. Remote Desktop connections

    When connecting to a remote Microsoft Windows computer using Microsoft's Remote Desktop, run Remote Desktop with the "/admin" flag. Not running with this setting may cause subtle, hard-to-explain errors in the program. You can do this using these steps:

    1. Right-click on the Remote Desktop shortcut.

    2. Select properties.

    3. Click on the Shortcut tab.

    4. At the end of the Target field, add a space, a forward slash, and "admin" (without the quotes) to the end of the Target. The screen shot sample below illustrates this setting:

      This image is described in the surrounding text.