Moving the Path Codes to the New Directory

  1. From the mount_point/JDEdwards/E920 directory, determine the path codes that you want to access the new Tools Release. Move the selected path codes into the newly created directory using this command:

    mv path_code /mount_point/JDEdwards/host_code_dir

    where path_code is the path code selected to be moved where a valid value for path code might be PD920.

    For example, if you wanted to test the new Tools Release with all environments except Production (PROD, PD), move the Development (DEV,DV), Pristine (PRST920, PS) and Prototype (CRP, PY) path codes.

    Do not copy the path codes. Instead you should always move them. You should not associate more than one Tools Release or Service Pack with an environment at the same time.

  2. Enter the following commands to grant ownership and authority to the path codes you moved:

    chmod 775 /mount_point/JDEdwards/host_code_dir/path_code

    chown user /mount_point/JDEdwards/host_code_dir/path_code

    chgrp group /mount_point/JDEdwards/host_code_dir/path_code