Creating a JMSTOPIC Subscriber

To createa a JMSTOPIC subscriber:

  1. From a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne client, run P90702A to use the Add Event Subscriber application to add a subscriber.

    This image is described in surrounding text.




    The Subscriber field must have a value matching valid user in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne.

    Subscriber Description

    Enter this value:

    JMSTOPIC Subscriber

    Transport Type

    Enter this value:.


    Connection Factory JNDI

    You can specify any path and name.

    Note: You must use this same value when creating the Connection Factory in WebLogic as described later in this guide. For purposes of this documentation, the value is:


  2. Click the OK button to accept the values.

  3. Run the P90702A application and find the JMSTOPIC Subscriber created in the above step.

  4. Activate the JMSTOPIC Subscriber by taking this Form Exit:

    Row > Change Status

  5. Change the status to AV (Active).