Manually Running the Database Creation Scripts - Windows with Oracle

Once the Platform Pack install has successfully completed on your Windows-based Enterprise Server, the Oracle database creation scripts and dump files are located in the EnterpriseOne install location on the Enterprise Server. For example:


As it runs, the Platform Pack installer edits the script that sets the environment variables. You can review this script for accuracy:


To manually run the Oracle database creation scripts:

  1. Sign on to the Enterprise Server as an Oracle user with a Windows account that is part of the ora_dba group.

  2. You can review and change the tablespace scripts if desired. Do not change the tablespace names.

    The tablespace creation scripts are called:

    • CRTABSP_SH.nt

    • CRTABSP_CO.nt

    • CRTABSP_ENV.nt

  3. If you chose to pre-create the tablespaces in order to use a feature such as ASM, before proceeding you first need to create the tablespaces. Note that you must use the standard tablespace names. For example:

    proddtat proddtai prodctlt prodctli pd920t pd920i

    Tip: To determine tablespace disk space requirements, you can inspect the supplied tablespace creation scripts to see those values.
  4. Start a Command window with Run As Administrator and navigate to the ORCL folder within the install location. For example:


  5. Verify that DATABASE_INSTALL_PATH in the InstallOracleDatabase.bat file is set to the current directory. For example:

    @cd \d Z:\JDEdwardsPPack\E920\ORCL

  6. Run the InstallOracleDatabase.bat script.

  7. Check the logs in the logs directory.