Upgrading from 9.1 or Below

This section contains a list of all the Table Conversions required when upgrading from 9.1 or below.

Upgrading from 9.1 or Below

Conversion Program

Run this Job





This table conversion program copy data from F743011 to F743013. The data item K74SSIGN was changed from BLOB Data Type to String.

The Table F743011 will be obsolete.



This table conversion program copies data from F743011Z to F743013Z. The data item K74SSIGN was changed from BLOB Data Type to String.

The Table F743011 will be obsolete.



This table conversion program changes F76B427 and F76B429.

Only IRPJ and INSS values calculated are stored in table Service Nota Fiscal Withholdings by Formula- F76B427.

PIS, COFINS and CSLL are stored in a new table, Service Nota Fiscal WH by Formula Installment F76B429.



This post install UBE (R41B110) populates records into Tank Master Additional Information Tag File (F41500T) based on the exiting transactions from tables Tank Master File (F41500) and Item Ledger File (F4111).


This UBE must be executed as a Post Install step from any release prior to Release 9.1 or higher.

This UBE has a proof and final mode processing option.


This table conversion creates records in Warehouse Request Tag table (F4600T1) corresponding to the warehouse requests (F4600) at status (PSTB) 200, 210, 215,220, 291 and 299.


R4600T1 will calculate several new Warehouse fields and create an associated F4600T1 record for every record in the F4600 table.

There should be a one for one record created between the F4600 and F4600T1.


This table conversion creates records in Warehouse Suggestion Tag table (F4611T1) corresponding to the warehouse suggestions table (F4611) that are at status (PSTB) 300, 391 and 399.


R4611T1 will calculate several new Warehouse fields and create an associated F4611T1 record for every record in the F4611 table.

This is applicable to customers using the ADP payroll system

There should be a one for one record created between the F4611 and F4611T1.


To populate the EA&R Sources tag table.


This Batch Job or Table Conversion is used to Populate data in F79A03T and F79A039T Tag Tables from F79A03 (GHG Source).

This conversion is used for upgrade from Release 9.1 to higher when there is existing data in F79A03.

A new column Energy type is added for GHG source table and for the F79A03T and F79A039 Tag tables.


To convert group limits that are currently setup in the F069116 (PDBA Setup) table to records in the new Group Limits table F069130.


The limits in F069116 are functionally changed to be individual DBA limits.

This UBE takes all DBA limits from the F069116 where group limit is populated and use the group limit code to create a new record in the F069130 with the limits previously populated on the F069116.

The F069116 limit amounts are cleared for those DBA codes.

No file changes are done.

R98222UDO - Add Converted Personal UDOs to Default Project

After the table Conversions have run for the target environment you should run this job in Proof mode to view the list of objects that will be added to default projects.

Run in Final mode to commit those objects to the default projects.

In order for this UBE to run properly, there must be data in the F9861W table. This table is populated when UDOs are converted or created. For a new install, convert the current UDOs first and then run this UBE to add ay personal objects to the default projects of the end users who created them.

It is important to know that if the user who created the UDO does not exist, that user id will not be created and the object will not be added to that default project (as it does not exist).

The purpose of this UBE is to add personal UDOs, those that are not *PUBLIC, to the default projects of the end users who created them so that they can continue to work on them.

After the UDO Conversion processes are complete, the F9861W table will contain UDOs detail information for both *PUBLIC and personal UDOs. In order for an end user to continue to work on their personal UDOs, they must be added to their default project.

For Release 9.2, Grid Formats are now a UDO.

This job runs for the environment that you are logged into. The OMW tables are System tables and are therefore shared across environments.


To convert CTS1, CTS2, CTS3, and CTS9 (collectively referred to as CTSx) data item values from 2 display decimals to match the display decimals of the TRQT data item (4 decimals).

You must run this program to increase the decimal precision of the CTSx data items if you use these data items to store unaccounted units.

The R8931CTSX table conversion program retrieves the TRQT data dictionary display decimals and converts the values of the CTSx data items in all affected tables to match the TRQT display decimals. The R8931CTSX program calls the Data Decimal Conversion business function (B8900010) for each CTSx data item. The UBE locates all tables containing the data item and selects non-zero values for conversion. The program converts the CTSx value and updates the table.

The default setting of the CTSx data items to 2 display decimals may cause rounding discrepancies. Therefore, Oracle recommends that you run this table conversion program to increase the decimal precision of the CTSx data items.

After running the R8931CTSX program, change the display decimal setting of the CTSx data items in the E920 data dictionary to 4 to match the display decimal setting of the TRQT data item. For more information, refer to the Data Conversion Updates for Decimal Precision of Unaccounted Units document (2438553.1) on My Oracle Support:
