Registering the WSRP Producer using the HTTPS Protocol

To register the WSRP Producer using the HTTPS Protocol:

  1. Edit the WSRP_v1_Service.wsdl file from the Producer with the HTTPS protocol and port in these two locations:

    ORACLE_HOME/user_projects/domains/<domain>/servers/<server>/stage/<instance>/app/webclient.war/wsdl folder

    JDE_Agent_Home/targets/<instance>/owl_deployment/webclient.ear/app/webclient.war/wsdl folder

    This image is described in the surrounding text.
  2. Export the certificate from the Producer using the 'Base-64 encoded X.509' format.

  3. Copy the Producer certificate to the WebCenter Portal machine.

  4. Import the Producer certificate using the Java Keytool utility from the WebCenter Portal machine. For example:

    keytool -importcert -trustcacerts -alias producerkey -file /tmp/producer.cer –keystore /java/jre/lib/security/cacerts

  5. Enter the keystore password.

  6. Verify and accept the certificate.

  7. A successful message should display: Certificate was added to keystore.

  8. Restart the WebCenter Portal server and register the Producer.