Configuring JDBC Driver for WebSphere Portal

WebSphere Portal requires the use of either the IBM® DB2 Legacy JDBC driver in type 2 mode or the IBM DB2 Universal JDBC driver in type 4 mode when connecting to DB2 for i.

Before you begin, ensure that the following conditions are met:

  • The WebSphere Portal database has been successfully transferred to DB2 for i using the database-transfer configuration task.

  • The files and have been modified to set the correct values for the DB2 for i drivers that you are switching to:

    • In the file set each <Domain>.DbUrl property using the following formats:

      # db2 (type 2): { jdbc:db2:wpsdb }

      # db2 (type 4): { jdbc:db2://<YourDatabaseServer>:50000/wpsdb:returnAlias=0; }

    • In the file set the db2.DbLibrary property using the following format:

      # For DB2 Type 2 driver use <SQLLIB>/java/db2jcc4.jar

      # For DB2 Type 4 driver use <SQLLIB>/java/db2jcc4.jar;<SQLLIB>/java/db2jcc_license_cu.jar

    • In the file set the db2.DbDriver property using the following format:

      # For DB2 Type 2 driver use

      # For DB2 Type 4 driver use