Canceling Workfile Records

Access the Work with Lot Start Workfile form.

To cancel a workfile record, select a record and then select Cancel from the Row menu.

When you select a single record or an entire lot to cancel, the system:

  • Enables you to select a prior date or the current system date as the cancellation date in the Purchase Order Detail File (F4311).

  • Takes the current system date as the cancellation date when the cancel date is not specified in the Work with Lot Start Workfile program (P44H711).

  • Determines whether each record is eligible for cancellation.

  • Changes the existing workfile records and automatically reduces the open amount to zero in the Purchase Order Detail File (F4311).

  • Reduces the PA, HA, JA ledger type balances in the Account Balances table (F0902).

  • Changes the value in the Commitment Posting Status field on the Work with Lot Start Workfile form to C and the text color to gray.

    Note: After you select Cancel, the cancellation occurs with no further warning. You cannot reverse a cancellation. Canceled records continue to appear in the F44H711 workfile, but will not be included on the Work with Lot Start Workfile form the next time you run the Lot Start Workfile Generation program (R44H700). If you cancel a record in error, you must delete the transaction and then reenter it into the system through the selection process when you run the R44H700 program.