
General Ledger Date

Specify the default GL date for voucher creation. If you enter 1, the system uses the current date.

2. Voucher document type

Specify a code from UDC 00/DT that identifies the default document type to use in the automatic creation of vouchers.

3. From Currency Code

Specify the default From Currency Code to use in the automatic creation of vouchers.

4. Pay Status Code

Specify a code from UDC 00/PS that identifies the default pay status code for vouchers. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the default user-defined pay status code, which is typically A (approved for payment).

5. Proof or Final

Specify whether to run the report in proof or final mode. Values are:

P: Proof. The program prints the commitments, by supplier, that are eligible for the automatic creation of vouchers.

F: Final. The program creates vouchers for the commitments that are eligible for the automatic creation of vouchers.

6. Prevent voucher creation when warning errors exist

Specify whether to allow the automatic creation of vouchers if warning errors exist. Values are:

Blank: Allow.

1: Do not allow.

7. Remark
Specify the default remark to be assigned to the accounts payable records. Valid values are:

Blank: Use the remark from the purchase order header.

1: Use the remark from the purchase order details.