
1. Enter default area

Specify the default area from UDC 00/05 that the system displays on the Work with Options form.

2. Enter default swing for option cost detail form

Specify a code from 42H2/SW that identifies the default swing that the system displays on the Option Cost Detail form.

3. Allow gross profit percent to be overridden on option cost detail form

Specify whether the system allows you to override the gross profit percent on the Option Cost Detail form. Values are:

Blank: Do not allow override.

1: Allow override.

4. Allow the suggested sales price to be overridden on the option cost detail form

Specify whether the system allows you to override the calculated suggested sales price on the Option Cost Detail form. Values are:

Blank: Do not allow override.

1: Allow override.

5. Suggested sales price rounding preference for option cost detail form

Specify the rounding preference for the calculated suggested sales price. Values are:

Blank: Do not round. For example, use the original value of 1236.56 USD.

1: Round to the nearest whole number. For example, round 1236.56 USD to 1237.00 USD.

2: Round to the nearest tenth. For example, round 1236.56 USD to 1240.00 USD.