Detail Area

Plan Mix

Enter the number of individual units for a plan that are projected to be built within a community.

Estimated Option Revenue 1

Enter the estimated revenue from the first category of option sales.

Est. Option Incentive (estimated option incentive)

Enter the estimated option incentive that is given to the buyer. This value is stored in the Lot Sales History table (F44H501H) and is used to calculate the net option price.

Estimated Disc / Incentive1 (estimated discount/incentive 1)

Enter the estimated average discount or incentive for each sale.

Estimated Cost

Enter the estimated construction cost. This value is typically exclusive of all land and other allocated costs.

Option Margin 1

Enter the percentage of revenue assumed to be profit. The system uses this value to calculate profitability from options.

Avg. Other Cost 1–10 (average other cost 1–10)

Enter an average cost. If you entered a value in the corresponding Average Cost Percent field on the Lot Overrides Percentages tab, the system updates this field based on the values in the Total Revenue (Other Cost) and Plan Mix fields.

You cannot manually enter a value in both the Average Other Cost and Average Cost Percent fields.