Entering Multiple Items

Access the Item Maintenance form.

To add new items, click the Go To End button on the grid.

Item Number

Enter the eight-digit, computer-assigned number that identifies the item.

Default Supplier

Enter a value that specifies the default supplier for an item. The Lot Start process uses this value.

3rd Item Number

Enter a 25-digit, user-defined, alphanumeric item number.

The system provides three separate item numbers, plus an extensive cross-reference capability to other item numbers to accommodate substitute item numbers, replacements, bar codes, customer numbers, supplier numbers, and so forth.

Short Item No (short item number)

Enter the eight-digit, computer-assigned item number that is given to new items.

Default Cost Code

Enter the default cost code that the system enters on the takeoff master when you add an item to a takeoff record.

Default Price

Enter the default price of an item if no corresponding value is in the Material Item Pricing table (F44H603).

Price Factor

Enter a value that the system uses to determine the conversion factor for an item.

Item Cat Code 1–5

Enter a code from UDC 44H6/01. Item category codes are associated with the Item Master Homebuilder Extension table (F44H4101).

Natl Pur Commod (national purchasing commodity)

Enter an item number that is a national commodity for cross-referencing the area item number during the national purchasing process.