JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Homebuilder Management Reports: A to Z

This table lists the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Homebuilder Management reports, sorted alphanumerically by report ID:

Report ID and Report Name




Community Master Report

Prints a list of community master records and provides an audit of community master setup.

Foundation Management (G44H21), Community Master Report


Lot Inventory Listing

Prints a list of the lots that are available in a community or phase. This report includes lot address, plan, elevation, cost code template, lot status, and commit start date information.

Foundation Management (G44H21), Lot Inventory Listing


Lot Status

Prints a list of the status of lots, the dates for the start of construction and commitments, and the estimated or actual completion date of a lot in a community or phase. This report shows the availability of a lot and the construction progress of a lot and house.

This report differs from the Lot Inventory Listing report (R44H2001) because it focuses primarily on the construction and sales status of each of the lots.

Foundation Management (G44H21), Lot Status


Plan Master Report

Prints a list of plan setup and availability by area, phase, and community. This report includes descriptions, square footage, and pricing information for plans that are available in a given community or phase.

Foundation Management (G44H21), Plan Master Report


Option Master Listing

Prints a list of the options that are available within a community or phase. This report includes the option numbers, descriptions, key category codes, and option package and component information, as well as option pricing with the price effective and expiration dates.

Foundation Management (G44H21), Option Master Listing


Option Package Listing

Prints a list of the option packages and the components of the packages within a community or phase. This report includes package pricing and price effective and expiration dates.

Foundation Management (G44H21), Option Package Listing


Weekly Sales Report

Prints sales information by lot. This report includes key sales and construction dates and revenue, financing, and contingent sale information.

Specify the versions to use for the Weekly Sales Report (R44H5001) and the Weekly Sales Audit Report (R44H5002) in the processing options.

Sales and Escrow (G44H22), Weekly Sales Report


Backlog Report

Prints a projection of revenue and cash flow for a specified date range. This report shows the construction status, buyer name, base price, lot premium, option revenue, incentives, and total sales price for each lot.

Sales and Escrow (G44H22), Backlog Report


Projected Closings Report

Prints a list of the lots that are projected to close escrow, based on a specified date range.

Sales and Escrow (G44H22), Projected Closing Report


Cancellation/Transfer Report

Prints a list of sales and transfers for an area or community for a specified date range. The report prints associated text and notes, based on a processing option setting.

Sales and Escrow (G44H22), Cancellations/Transfers Report


Detail Sales Status (Mylar)

Prints sales and contingency attachments.

Sales and Escrow (G44H22), Detail Sales Status (Mylar)


Bid Contract Price Variance

Prints a list that shows discrepancies between the bid and the contract amounts by cost code. Use the processing options to specify the tolerance amount, tolerance percentage, and the bid document type.

Before Start Bidding and Costing (G44H23), Bid Contract Price Variance


Bid Form/Contract Confirmation

Prints a confirmation for bid pricing. You can also request a price format, which allows suppliers to make changes to existing bids.

Before Start Bidding and Costing (G44H23), Bid Form/Contract Confirmation


Base House Cost by Plan

Prints a report that shows base plan costs on a cost code level for selected plans and elevations in a specific community or phase. This report compares the cost of the base house for each plan or elevation.

Before Start Bidding and Costing (G44H23), Base House Cost by Plan


Option Cost Analysis

Prints a list of option cost and pricing information. This report shows the current, previous, and suggested price for an option, as well as the desired and actual gross profit.

Before Start Bidding and Costing (G44H23), Option Cost Analysis


Option Cost Analysis by Option

Prints a report that shows all communities that offer a particular option.

Before Start Bidding and Costing (G44H23), Option Cost Analysis by Option


Bid Supplier Comparison

Prints a report that compares bids from multiple suppliers, based on a specified community, plan, elevation, and trade.

Before Start Bidding and Costing (G44H23), Bid Supplier Comparison


Purchase Order Print

Prints purchase orders that are specific to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Homebuilder Management system. The purchase orders include item number, item description, cost code, option number, and unit price.

Before Start Bidding and Costing (G44H23), Purchase Order Print


List by Supplier

Prints a report to use to verify item pricing and update the price status in the Material Item Pricing table (F44H603). You can also request a price format.

Before Start Bidding and Costing (G44H23), List by Supplier


Configuration List

Prints a list of all options that the buyer selected for a lot. Print this report at the lot level and use processing options to specify whether pricing information appears on the report.

Sales and Escrow (G44H22), Configuration List