Line Defaults

Select the Line Defaults tab.

Effective From Date

Enter the effective date for the multiple items. The default is the current system date. You can enter future effective dates for upcoming changes.

Expired Date

Enter the expiration date for the multiple items.

Contract Number

Enter the contract number. The system uses this field for takeoff pricing.

Bid Flag

Enter a code that indicates whether the record is a bid or an actual contracted price. Values are:

Blank or B: Bid (default).

A: Actual.

The value in this field is stored in the Material Item Pricing table (F44H603).

Bid Status Flag

Enter a value that indicates the status of the bid. This field is informational only. The system uses this field for takeoff pricing.

Current Price

Enter the list price or base price for one unit of this item.

Price Status

Specify the status of a takeoff price record. Values are:

C: Current

F: Future

H: History

Lead Time and Exp Lead Time (expiration lead time)

Enter values that indicate when the lead time begins and ends for the item price record. The system uses this field for takeoff pricing.

Exp Seq (expiration sequence)

Enter a value that determines the numeric sequence at which bid or takeoff price expires.

Discount Flag

Specify whether a discount is associated with the record. This field allows certain item calculations to be bypassed by the Lot Proceed Post program (P445098). You must also set a processing option in Lot Start Workfile Generation (R44H700) for the discounts to apply. Values are:


0: No discount

1: Standard discounts

Discount Amount

Enter the total amount of the discount.

Discount Percent

Enter the discount percent. The system uses this field for takeoff pricing.

Discount Quantity

Enter a discount quantity baseline. The system uses the number to determine whether a discount is taken. If the ordered quantity is greater than or equal to this quantity, the discount can be taken.

Model Discount Flag

Enter a value to determine whether model pricing is to occur. You must also set a processing option in Lot Start Workfile Generation (R44H700) for the discounts to apply. Values are:

Blank or 0: No discount.

1: Model discount.

Model Discount Amount

Enter the model discount amount. This value is used to determine the actual contract price.

Model Discount Quantity

Enter the minimum quantity for which a discount is valid. If the quantity ordered is greater than or equal to this quantity, the model discount can be taken.

Price Divisor

Enter a value that the system uses to calculate the commitment amount of a takeoff.

Price Revision

Displays the number of times that a price is revised on the Item Price Revisions form.

Tax Expl Code

Enter a value from the Tax Explanation Codes (00/TX) UDC to identify how the system calculates tax and general ledger distribution amounts. The system uses the tax explanation code in conjunction with the tax rate area and tax rules to determine how the tax is calculated.

Tax Rate Area

Enter a value from the Tax Areas table (F4008) that identifies a tax or geographic area that has common tax rates and tax authorities. The system uses the tax rate area in conjunction with the tax explanation code and tax rules to calculate tax and general ledger distribution amounts.

If the alternate tax rate/area assignment company constant is enabled for the company, the system assigns the alternate tax rate/area based on the community and supplier country information. Otherwise, the system uses the default tax rate/area you set up for the supplier.

For further information about alternate tax rate/area assignments, please refer to "Setting Up Alternate Tax Rate/Area Assignment Functionality" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Tax Processing Implementation Guide.