
1. Allow Cost Type Changes

Specify whether to allow cost type changes. Values are:

Blank: Do not allow.

1: Allow.

2. Allow Item Entry

Specify whether to allow an item to be added to a purchase order. Values are:

Blank: Do not allow.

1: Allow.

3. Create Budget

Specify whether to create a budget. Values are:

Blank: Do not create. The Budget Post Status field is set to 2 for the record that the system created in the Lot Start Workfile (F44H711).

1: Create. The Budget Post Status field is set to 0 for the record that the system created in the F44H711 workfile.

4. Ignore Date Warning Error

Specify whether the system allows you to ignore warning messages when you select Create Workfile from the Form menu on the Work With After Start Purchasing form. Values are:

Blank: Do not ignore.

1: Ignore.

5. Allow Lot Start Workfile (F44H711) Revisions

Specify whether the system allows revisions to purchase orders that exist in the Lot Start Workfile (F44H711). Values are:

Blank: Allow.

1: Do not allow.

Note: If you leave this processing option blank, you can change purchase order lines that have been committed as long as the status of the order is less than the defined status. If the status of the order is less than the defined status, purchase order lines in the Purchase Order Detail File (F4311) cannot be changed if the item has not been partially or fully received or vouchered.
6. F4311 Detail Line Protection Status

Enter a code from UDC 40/AT that specifies the last status code at which revisions can be made to a purchase order line that exists in the F4311 table. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the default status 999.

7. Discount Type

Specify the discount type that the system uses when the extended price is calculated for an item. Values are:

Blank: None

1: Standard.

2: Model.