
1. Processing Mode

Specify the mode in which to run the program. Values are:

Blank: Prestart.

1: Proof.

2: Final.

Note: Prestart mode does not create workfile records or process according to the processing options. Prestart mode copies accounts from the area job to the new lot job for the cost code range specified in the Cost Code From (Prestart Only) and Cost Code Through (Prestart Only) processing options.
2. Cost Code From (Prestart Only) and 3. Cost Code Through (Prestart Only)

Specify the cost code range for which the system copies amounts from the area job to the new lot job when the program is in prestart mode and the value in the Copy Budgets From Cost Code Template processing option is 1.

4. Post Next Posting Stage

Specify the posting stage through which the system processes transactions. The posting stage corresponds to reporting code 3 (R003) in the Account Master table (F0901). Values are:

Blank: Post through the ending posting stage that you specify in the Through Posting Stage processing option.

1: Post through the next posting stage.

This value is the next higher value listed in the F0901 table for the cost code template. When you generate the lot start workfile, alphabetic values are not supported in reporting code 3.

5. Through Posting Stage

Specify the posting stage through which commitments, budgets, or both are created. The posting stage corresponds to reporting code 3 (R003) in the F0901 table.

Note: The system ignores the value for this processing option if the value in the Post Next Posting Stage processing option is 1.
6. Copy Budgets from Cost Code Template

Specify whether to copy budgets from the cost code template on the Plan Master Revisions form to the new lot. Values are:

Blank: Do not copy.

1: Copy.

7. Create Budgets

Specify whether or how to create budgets when you run the program. Values are:

Blank: Do not create budgets.

1: Create budgets through the posting stage for which the record is run. Budgets are created for the Base House and Options fields. Additionally, Base House creates budgets from Budget Only Bids for each account that does not result in a workfile record.

2: Create budget for the entire lot or job.

The budgets for cost codes after the current posting stage are calculated from bids and takeoffs in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement system.

3: Create budgets using budget-only bids for cost codes after the posting stage.

8. Budget Creation Process

Specify when budgets are created for records in the F44H711 workfile. Use this processing option in conjunction with the Create Budgets processing option. Values are:

Blank: Create budgets when you run the Lot Start Workfile Generation program (R44H700).

1: Create budgets when you run the Generate Homebuilder Commitments program (R44H7113).

Note: Regardless of how you set this processing option, all budget amounts that are not written to the F44H711 workfile, such as budget-only records and budget records that are not within the posting stage, are created when you run the R44H700 program.
9. Costing Method

Specify how to cost the budget and commitments when the program is run in proof or final mode. Budgets and commitments can have cost components resulting from bids, takeoffs, or both. Values are:

Blank: Process bids and takeoffs

1: Process bids

2: Process takeoffs

10. Commitment Effective Date

Specify the commitment effective date for bid and takeoff processing. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the Commitment Start Date (COMJ) in the F44H201 table.

11. Takeoff Discounts

Specify the type of discount to be taken on takeoff-related commitments. Values are:

1: Model discount. For the system to calculate a model discount, the lot must be marked as a model and the model pricing fields must be set on the record.

2: Standard discount. For the system to calculate a standard discount, the record must be set up.

3: No discounts (default).

12. Retention Calculation

Specify how retention information for material items is calculated. Values are:

Blank: Do not apply retention to material items.

1: Apply retention to all material items.

2: Apply retention to base house material items.

Note: If you specify 1 or 2 for this processing option, you must enter a value in the Retainage % (retention percentage) field on the Revisions form. The bid header retention is stored in the F44H711 workfile.
13. Advance To Construction Activity Rule

Specify the next construction activity rule from UDC 44H0/RL the system sets in the F44H201 table after you run the program.

14. Commitment Generation

Specify whether to run the Generate Homebuilder Commitments program (R44H7113) when you run the R44H700 program in final mode. Values are:

Blank: Do not run.

1: Run.

15. VAT Tax Calculation

Specify whether to calculate the VAT tax when you run the R44H700 program. Values are:

Blank: Do not calculate VAT tax.

1: Calculate VAT tax.

16. Print Substitute Items

Specify whether to print substitute items for takeoff contracts. Values are:

Blank: Print.

1: Do not print.