Setting Up Column Headings for Extended Data

Access the Maintain Extended Data Headings form.

To review additional columns of information, remove the value from the Hide Column field on the Work With Extended Data Headings form.

Extended Data

Enter a code from UDC 44H0/ED that specifies the extended data element.

Row Description

Enter a row description that identifies fields on forms and reports.

Column Title 1 and Column Title 2

Enter the first line of description to use in a column heading on a form or report in the Column Title 1 field. This description should be no larger than the data item size, if possible. Enter a second line in the Column Title 2 field if one description line is not sufficient.

Hide Column

Enter a value that specifies whether to hide a designated column in the Extended Homebuilder Data program (P44H092). Values are:

Blank: Do not hide. (default)

Y: Hide.