
To Lot

Enter a value that specifies the new lot for the transfer.

To Plan

Enter a value that specifies the new plan for the transfer.

To Elevation

Enter a value that specifies the new elevation for the transfer.

To Swing

Enter a code from UDC 44H2/SW that specifies the swing.

Transfer Buyer Date

Enter the date that the buyer transferred the sale to another lot.

Transfer Lot Note 1throughTransfer Lot Note 3

Enter text about the sales transfer.

Bypass Copy

Select this check box to bypass the copy process for the sales transfer. If you select this check box, the system bypasses the copy process regardless of the settings for the processing options in the Sales Workbench program, which specify that values should be copied when you transfer a sale. If you do not select this check box, the copy process will occur as specified in the processing options.