Understanding Communities

A community is a distinct grouping of lots that share any number of conditions, such as product offering or geography. You set up a community in the Community Master program (P44H101) before you enter any remaining components, such as plans, lots, and options. You can copy community master information from an existing community to a new community that has similar characteristics. If you specify an area as a national purchasing area, you must also select a national purchasing community.

Each community master record that you create has a corresponding job master record. Many fields in the community master record directly correspond to fields in the job master record, including Job Type, Company Number, Update Projected Final Ledger Type by Subledger/Subledger Type, and Category Codes 1–10.

You can enter job master information on the Community Revisions form. If the job master record exists at the time that you create the community master record, you can either accept the common values from the job master record and apply them to the community master record, or choose to overwrite the values in the job master record with those that you enter in the community master record.