Updating Option Cost Detail

Note: The Option Cost Information displayed in the grid is accumulated based on following fields BU, Cost Code, Cost Type, Supplier, and Item Number similar to the output of Lot Start Workfile Generation report (R44H700). Identical takeoff records with negative and positive quantities are nullified and are not displayed in the grid. See Generating the Lot Start Workfile

Access the Option Cost Detail form.

Effective Date

Enter the effective date for the option.

Estimated Cost

Enter the estimated amount that is budgeted for the option.

Sales Price Effective Date and Sales Price Expiration Date

Enter the dates through which the sales price is effective. These dates are used to determine whether the system uses the current sales price or the previous sales price of the option.

If you leave the Sales Price Effective Date field blank, the sales price goes into effect immediately.

Preview Price Change

After you enter values in the header area, select to display the new suggested sales price. The current sales price appears in the Previous Sales Price field. The system updates the new Current Sales Price field from the Suggested Sales Price field.