Understanding Method of Computation Conversion Program (R519901)

If you need to change the method of computation on all of the accounts for a specific job, or on a specific account across several jobs or projects, rather than locating an updating the method of computation on each individual account, you can run the Method of Computation Conversion program (R519901) to update the globally update the accounts.

You use data selection to specify the accounts to select for update, or to specify the method of computation to update, or both. You use processing options to specify the method of computation that you want to assign. For example, you might want to update all of the accounts that are assigned method F to method D, or you might want to change the method of computation for cost type 1341 for all jobs, or you might want to select records with cost type 1341 that are assigned method of computation F.

When you run the R519901 program, the system selects the records from the Account Master table (F0901) and updates them with the method of computation from the processing option. Additionally, the system updates the balances for projected final values (HA and HU ledger) in the Account Balances table (F0902) based on the new method of computation. The system also prints a report of the selected records and the computation method that was originally assigned, so that if you do make an error, you have the information to correct it.