Additional Features of the Advanced Job Forecasting System

This table lists and describes the additional features of the Advanced Job Forecasting system:



User-Defined Methods of Computation (MOC)

The Advanced Job Forecast system enables users to create detailed formulas, and then use those formulas to build customized methods of calculations, which can be used when setting up the cost code structure for a job. This feature enables organizations to use the standard Job Cost MOCs and also to create customized MOCs that you can use to calculate projected final amounts in a manner that fits the needs of your organization.

User-Defined Ledger Types

The Advanced Job Forecast system allows you to specify which ledger types you are using for revised estimate to complete (ETC) amounts/units, revised estimate at completion (EAC) amounts/units, to-be-committed amounts/units, forecasted budget amount/units, and pending change order amounts/units. Additionally, you can specify up to 10 additional ledger types to display on the forecast.

Create Multiple Forecasts for a Single Job

The Advanced Job Forecast system allows you to create multiple forecasts for a single job and financial period. This feature enables you to create several different forecast scenarios for a job, and determine which of those scenarios should be reviewed and approved.

When you create multiple forecasts for the same job and financial period, you leave them all at the Open status until you determine which forecast should be reviewed and approved. You then change the status of the forecast you want to be reviewed and/or approved. You can have only 1 forecast for a job and financial period at a status of In Review or Approved.

Restrict Forecast Updates

The Advanced Job Forecast system enables you to specify when you allow updates to a forecast. You can set the system to allow forecasts to be updated regardless of status, or to restrict updates when a forecast is at the In Review or Approved status.

Refresh Balances

The Advanced Job Forecast system enables you to retrieve updated general ledger balances for a forecast after you have entered estimates without losing any of the forecast data you entered.

For example, you might create a forecast on Monday, and enter forecast estimates for several accounts. On Tuesday, a project manager enters adjusting transactions in the general ledger that impact your job. You can use the refresh balances feature to retrieve the updates from the general ledger, while preserving the forecast data that you have already entered.

Automatic Updates to the General Ledger

The Advanced Job Forecast system allows you to choose between two different methods for updating the general ledger with data from your approved forecasts. You can set the system to automatically update financial records when the forecast is moved to the Approved status, or you can run batch programs to process updates for selected approved forecast.

View Forecast History

The Advanced Job Forecast system saves a copy of each forecast to history tables each time the forecast status changes to In Review or Approved. The system also enables you to view the history for each forecast that is at In Review or Approved status using a read-only program. This program enables your organization to easily allow review-only access to users who do not have authority to change a forecast.