Understanding the Contract Revenue Summary Table

If the data in the Contract Revenue Summary table (F5280) is deleted or becomes out of sync with the transactions in the Billing Detail Workfile table (F4812) and the Billing Workfile History table (F4812H), you can rebuild the summary table using information from the F4812 and F4812H tables for the contract billing lines in the Contract Billing Line Detail table (F5202).

The system generates only unit price, time and material, lump sum, component, labor burden, and fee billing lines in the Contract Revenue Summary table. For time and material billing lines, the system creates one line for the cumulative amount. The GL date, period, century, and fiscal year are blank.


The Re-Build Contract Revenue Summary Table program (R52809) is designed to recover data in unusual situations. This program should be run by a system administrator only as necessary.

If active revenue batches exist in the billing system when you run this program, you might get unpredictable results. Also, you should run this program during evening or off-peak hours.

The Re-Build Contract Revenue Summary program produces a report that includes only headings. The report verifies that the process has finished successfully. However, no information is printed on the report.