G/L Account Balances

This report enables you to view your account balances by subledger and business unit category code 1. If you use subledgers to track customers, suppliers, assets, or items, this report provides you an excellent view of the balances for these items. Select your Accounts Receivable accounts and view your customer balances, or select your Accounts Payable accounts and view your supplier balances, or select your inventory accounts and view your item balances. One view is based on the business unit category code 1 value. You can use this to view the account balances for a specific region or division, depending on how you have this category code setup in your organization. This report can be run over any set of accounts or time frames for whatever set of companies or business units you need to view.

This report contains the following components:

  • Account Balance by Subledger (horizontal bar graph)

  • Account Balance by Business Unit Category Code 1 (bar graph)

  • Account Balances (detail table)