G/L Transactions by Account

This report enables you to view the transactions of each selected account by day, providing valuable information about the fluctuations of account activity over a specific period. These trends are useful to let you know which days in a month provide the most activity for the accounts. This data can be helpful when tracking your bank account transactions through the month because it can help you make decisions about the best time for a large payment to be made based upon receipt activity. You can generate reports across multiple companies and business units or on just one company or business unit with which you are most concerned. This report also gives you information about the transactions by document type. This way you can see which types of transactions are providing the most activity and whether this activity is voucher payments or invoice receipts.

This report contains the following components:

  • Transaction Totals by Date and Account (bar graph)

  • Transaction Totals by Document Type (bar graph)

  • Transactions by Account (detail table)