Gross Profit

This report enables you to view the gross profit based on the revenue and cost of goods accounts that you select to be included in the report. This report uses account category code 43 to determine which account is revenue and which account is cost of goods. You can view the gross profit, revenue, and cost of goods by business unit. A pivot table shows these amounts by period. You can run this report over any company, business unit, or set of accounts with specific values in account category code 43 to get this type of information. You may also select the time frame to be viewed. You can use this report to compare multiple types of accounts, such as all revenue and all expense accounts, and to determine your overall profit or just your sales revenue against your cost of goods sold accounts.

Note: If Category code 43 does not have this classification for Revenue and Cost of Goods. You can add the values into the UDC and classify your accounts or copy this report and use any other category code that you want with this classification.

This report contains the following components:

  • Gross Profit by Business Unit (horizontal bar graph)

  • Revenue by Business Unit (bar graph)

  • Cost of Goods by Business Unit (bar graph)

  • Gross Profit by Period (table)

  • Account Balance Detail (table)

The Account Balance Detail table component contains drill back functionality as described in the following table:



Table column containing drill back link

Object Account

Table columns passed to application

Account ID (Account Number Input - Mode Unknown)

Application called

Account Balances by Month (P0902P1)

Form called


Version called
