On Time Shipments by Shipment Depot Report

The On Time Shipments by Shipment Depot report enables you to view on time shipment information using shipment depot as a filter. The Number of On Time Shipments by Shipment Depot bar graph enables you to compare the number of on time shipments for selected shipment depots. The on time shipments are categorized by promised ship date, delivery date, and requested date. The Top 10 Carriers by On Time Delivery bar graph enables you to compare the top 10 carriers with the greatest number of on time shipments. The Freight Value for Outbound Past Due Shipments by Shipment Depot bar-line combination graph enables you to compare the freight value amount to the number of past due shipments for selected shipment depots. The Freight Value for Late Shipments by Shipment Depot bar-line combination graph enables you to plot the total freight value in relationship to number of late shipments and total number of shipments. The Summary of On Time Shipments by Shipment Depot table displays a historical summary of shipment depot, carrier, and date information used in the charts. The On Time Shipment Details Table displays all the historical freight charges and date detail records that were used to create the charts for the selected shipment depots.

This report contains the following components:

  • Number of On Time Shipments by Shipment Depot (bar graph)

  • Top 10 Carriers by On Time Delivery (bar graph)

  • Freight Value for Outbound Past Due Shipments by Shipment Depot (bar-line combination graph)

  • Freight Value for Late Shipments by Shipment Depot (bar-line combination graph)

  • Summary of On Time Shipments by Shipment (table)

  • On Time Shipment Details Table

The On Time Shipment Details table component contains drill back functionality as described in the following table:



Table column containing drill back link

Shipment Depot

Table columns passed to application

Shipment Depot

Application called

Work with Shipments (P4915)

Form called


Version called
