One View Transportation Shipment Inquiry (P49270)

Access the One View Transportation Shipment Inquiry application (P49270) on the Transportation Inquiries menu (G4914). Use One View Transportation Shipment Inquiry to query shipment numbers and create transportation shipment inquiry reports including related data from the Shipment Header (F4215) and Shipment Routing Steps (F4941) tables. One View Transportation Shipment Inquiry uses the One View Transportation Shipment Analysis Inquiry business view (V49270A), which include columns from the Shipment Header table and the Shipment Routing Steps table.

This application provides the ability to create and run reports on current shipments including freight charges and shipment depot information, such as: on time shipments by shipment depot, shipment depot totals by year and month, shipment freight charges by shipment depot, and shipment value by shipment depot.