
This report enables you to view how your payments are spread across many different entities such as business unit, suppliers, bank accounts, and category codes. You can review the payments for multiple companies to see how much activity all of your business units have or just focus in on one company at a time. You can also view for a specific fiscal year/period or for multiple fiscal years/periods. Category code 1 is included on this report so you can view the data based upon its value.

This report contains the following components:

  • Payments by Business Unit (horizontal bar graph)

  • Top 10 Suppliers by Payments (horizontal bar graph)

  • Payments by Supplier (table)

  • Payments by Bank Account (pie chart)

  • Payments by Category Code 1 (pie chart)

  • Payments (detail table)

The Payments table component contains drill back functionality as described in the following table:



Table column containing drill back link

Payment Number

Table columns passed to application

Payee Number

Application called

A/P Manual Payments (P0413M)

Form called


Version called
