
1. Quantity Calculation

Specify whether the system subtracts the quantity scrapped from the remaining quantity.

Values are:

Blank: Include the quantity scrapped in the remaining quantity.

1: Subtract the quantity scrapped from the remaining quantity.

2. Primary Unit of Measure Conversion

Specify whether the Order Quantities are converted to Primary UOM. If this process is bypassed, all Primary UOM Order Quantities grid columns will be hidden.

Values are:

Blank: Do not convert Order Quantities to Primary UOM.

1: Convert Order Quantities to Primary UOM.

3. Number of Days to Use Per Period

Specify the number of days to be used for each Display Period. The Default is 30 Days.

4. Number of Days Maximum to Display

Specify the maximum number of days to be used for display. The default is 120 Days.

5. Select Start Date or Request Date to use in the calculation of the Maximum Number of Days.

Specify which date to use as a beginning date to calculate the Maximum Number of Days. The default is to use the Start Date.

Values are:

Blank: Start Date

1: Request Date

6. Enter 1 to Display Parts List Information (F3111)

Specify whether the work order parts list information (F3111) is displayed on the grid or not.

Values are:

Blank: Do not display work order parts list Information (F3111)

1: Display work order parts list information in the grid.