Quantity Analysis by Fiscal Period

The Quantity Analysis by Fiscal Period report enables you to review the percentage of items stocked in each fiscal period. You can also compare and analyze quantity received, quantity stocked, and quantity dispositioned (sum of quantity returned, quantity rejected, quantity scrapped, quantity reworked, and quantity adjusted) in each fiscal period. It contains these report components:

  • Quantity Received, Quantity Stocked, and Quantity Dispositioned by Fiscal Period (bar graph)

  • Quantity Disposition Percentage by Fiscal Period (pie chart)

  • Quantity Analysis Summary - By Fiscal Period and Branch Plant (table)

  • Quantity Analysis Details Table (This table includes the calculated field, Quantity Disposition Percentage, which is quantity dispositioned divided by quantity received.)

The Quantity Analysis Details table component contains drill back functionality as described in the following table:



Table column containing drill back link

Item Number

Table columns passed to application

3rd Item Number

Application called

PO Receipts (P4312)

Form called


Version called
