Report Naming Guidelines

Follow these guidelines when naming reports:

  • Do not use any of the following special characters: ~`\'!@#$%^&*()+={[}]|\;:"<,>.?/

  • Uniquely name the reports within each application.

    Within the scope of an application or within Data Browser, the report names must be unique for each owner.

  • Use a maximum of 50 characters.

To create a personal report from an existing report:

  1. Access a One View Reporting enabled form.

  2. From the One View menu, select Manage Reports and then select either a shared or a personal report.

  3. On the Report Definition tab, click the Copy icon.

  4. In the Enter Name for Copy field, enter a name for the report.

    Important: Unless you have reserved a shared report to modify it, Oracle recommends that you do not name a personal report the same as a shared report. When you reserve a shared report, the system creates a personal copy for you to modify and promote to shared status. If the name of the personal report is the same as the shared report, your changes will overwrite the previous version of the shared report if the promotion request is approved.

You can also add a completely new report that is not based on an existing report. For details, see Adding New One View Reports.