Special Processing

One View Property Inquiry gives you the ability to filter by Company, Floor No., Building, Unit Type, and Unit Number.

You also have the ability to filter by Lease As Of Date and Lease Version As Of Date from the Lease Master Header:

  • Lease As Of Date:

    Display all leases that have a lease date beginning on or before the Lease As Of Date and the Lease End Date is either blank or is on or after the Lease As Of Date.

  • Lease Version As Of Date:

    Display all leases that have a lease version date beginning on or before the Lease Version As Of Date and the Lease Version End Date is either blank or is on or after the Lease Version As Of Date.

You can use the Display Billing Codes check box to determine whether to display billing code information or not. If you select this check box, then multiple lines will appear in the grid for the unit, one for each billing code in F1502B. If you leave this deselected, then only the unit information will appear.

In addition to the information in the business view, information such as unit square footage from the Area Master table (F1514), Potential Rent, Market Rent, and Renewal Rent from the Market/Potential/Renewal Rent Master table (F159071), and recurring billing information from the Recurring Billings Master table (F1502B) are included in the application.

Note: The rent information from F1502B appears only if the Display Billing Codes check box is selected. This value is necessary for the two Rent Roll reports.You should run the two Vacancy Reports and the two Analysis Reports only when the Display Billing Codes check box is deselected. These reports do not use the billing codes for rent information.