Special Processing

This application only selects Sales Order Records that have Related Purchase Orders and Quantity Backordered greater than zero from the F4211. Related Purchase Order information is retrieved from F4311. The fiscal year, period, and century are determined from the PO Promised Delivery Date.

To provide for the reporting and summing of quantities across lines, One View Backordered Items Not Received Inquiry has a feature to convert all quantity-related grid columns to the primary UOM. However, to improve performance, you can set the processing option to bypass primary UOM processing if you are not using primary quantity fields in your reports.

Also, to provide for the reporting and summing of order amounts across lines, One View Backordered Items Not Received Inquiry has the functionality to convert all amount-related grid columns into the user-specified As If Currency. This currency conversion is only performed when the As If Currency value is entered by the user.

The header field, As of Backorder Aging Date, is used for the calculation of Backorder Aging. It is calculated with days difference between As of Backorder Aging Date and Requested Date on the sales order. It is calculated only if As of Backorder Aging Date is greater than the Requested Date on the sales order line. Otherwise, if the dates are equal or if As of Date is lesser than Requested Date, it will have a value of zero.