Special Processing

This application contains the following special processing:

  • In the header, you can specify the year type as either fiscal or calendar. The fiscal year pattern is calculated based on the year entered in the header and the company of employee.

  • In the application grid, when you search with a value in any of the F08336 QBE columns, the results contain matching records from F08336 and also unmatched records from F08330. This is because F08330 and F08336 are joined using a left outer join. This is handled through the code for the QBE search, but not for an enhanced query since the system does not recognize them as QC columns and cannot validate them.

  • When the Employee and Dep/Ben option is selected, the records for the employee and their participants (dependents or beneficiaries) are retrieved. When Employee only is selected, only the employee records are displayed in the grid.

  • By default, the Emp Only and Calendar options are selected. The plan cost is calculated for an employee based on your date selection in the header.