Special Processing in the Calculated Grid Columns

The system records information in the grid columns that is related to the special processing considerations in the header. These columns facilitate reporting over data that is not available in the database in a form easy to report on. The reports delivered with the application are possible because of these columns. You can also use them when defining custom reports.

The One View Service Contract Inquiry application uses the following special processing in these calculated columns in the grid:

  • Date Analyze From

    This is the starting date that the system uses to analyze expired contracts. The system determines this date based on today's date, the value in the Days to Analyze field, and whether the Days Past option is selected. For example, if you select the Days Past option to analyze contracts that have expired in the last ten days, the value in this column is today's date minus ten.

  • Date Analyze Through

    This is the ending date that the system uses to analyze expiring contracts. The system determines this date based on today's date, the value in the Days to Analyze field, and whether the Days Ahead option is selected. The system considers today as the first day of the days ahead. For example, if you select the Days Ahead option to analyze contracts expiring in the next ten days, this date is today's date plus ten minus one (or today's date plus nine).

  • Expired Contract

    You select the Days Past option and use the value in the Days to Analyze field in the header to filter information for expired contracts in the grid. The system assigns "1" in this column to indicate that this is an expired contract that you can analyze.

  • Expiring Contract

    You select the Days Ahead option and use the value in the Days to Analyze field in the header to filter information for expiring contracts in the grid. The system assigns "1" in this column to indicate that this is an expiring contract that you can analyze.

  • Days to Analyze

    This represents the number of days that the system uses to look back or look ahead when building the date range to include either or both expired and expiring contracts for analysis. The system populates this column with the value from the Days to Analyze field in the header.

  • Days Past

    A value of "1" in this column indicates that the contract has expired. You can select the Days Past option and use the Days to Analyze field in the header to filter information for contracts that have expired in the last number of days entered in the Days to Analyze field.

  • Days Ahead

    A value of "1" in this column indicates that the contract is set to expire. You can select the Days Ahead option and use the Days to Analyze field in the header to filter information for contracts that are expiring from today to the number of days in the future entered in the Days to Analyze field. The system considers today as the first day of the days ahead. For example, if you have selected the Days Ahead header option and set the Days to Analyze to seven, the system includes contracts that are expiring today and contracts that will expire in the next six days in the grid.

  • As If Total Dollars

    The system uses this amount to calculate average days to pay. This amount is equal to the sum of cash received against valid accounts receivable invoices. The system calculates and displays the As If Total Dollars amount in a common currency using the currency code in the As If Currency field and the exchange rate that the system retrieves using the value in the As of Date field. The system updates the Total Dollars amount at the same time that you update the Weighted Days total.

  • As If Daily Amortization Amount

    This is the daily amortization amount and is the contract amount divided by the number of days in the contract. The system calculates and displays the As If Daily Amortization Amount in a common currency using the currency code in the As If Currency field and the exchange rate that the system retrieves using the value in the As of Date field.

  • Annualized Contract Amount

    This is the daily amortization contract amount multiplied by 365.

  • As If Annualized Contract Amount

    This is the daily amortization contract amount multiplied by 365. The system calculates and displays the As If Annualized Contract Amount in a common currency using the currency code in the As If Currency field and the exchange rate that the system retrieves using the value in the As of Date field.

  • As If Recurring Billing Amount

    This is the fixed amount that you want to bill with each recurring frequency. The system calculates and displays the As If Recurring Billing Amount in a common currency using the currency code in the As If Currency field and the exchange rate that the system retrieves using the value in the As of Date field.

  • Type of Contracts Included

    The system uses this grid column to indicate the type of contracts that you have included to analyze. Values can be Cancelled, Suspended, Both, or None.