Special Processing in the Header

The One View Service Contract Profitability Inquiry application uses the following special processing in these header options and fields:

  • Include Cancelled Lines and Include Suspended Lines

    You select the Include Cancelled Lines option to include information for cancelled contracts in the report. Contracts that do not have a blank value in the CN CD grid column are cancelled contracts. You specify the value for the CN CD grid column from the Cancellation Reason Code UDC table (17/CN).

    You select the Include Suspended Lines option to include information for suspended contracts in the report. Contracts that do not have a blank value in the Bill Suspend Flag grid column are suspended contracts. You specify the value for the Bill Suspend Flag grid column from the Bill Suspend Reason Code UDC table (17/BS).

    When you select the options for suspended and cancelled contracts, the search results will include these contracts along with other contracts unless you specifically filter for only these conditions. To report over only cancelled or suspended contracts, you can use the Query By Example (QBE) line to filter for these conditions or use the Advanced Query feature.

  • As If Currency and As of Date

    The One View Service Contract Profitability Inquiry application can report on contract amounts in a common currency. You can use the As If Currency and As of Date fields to convert contract amounts from domestic currency to a common currency. The system converts and subsequently populates the As If columns in the grid only if the As If Currency Code field has a valid value. The system uses the As of Date field to get the exchange rate to do the conversion. The As If Currency and As of Date fields are not filters for the grid column. If you are not using these fields, the conversion will not take place and the "As If" columns will not appear in the grid. You can convert six contract amounts to a common currency. These are Revenue Amount, Invoiced Amount, Actual Labor, Actual Material, Actual Other, and Actual Dollars.