Statement Versions for the Income Statement by Business Unit Statement Definition

Version Name and Description

Based on Company and Business Unit

Fiscal Year and Period

Level of Detail and Check Boxes

Data Selection

Layout and Format

Name: LAYOUTVERSION Description: Version for Layout Creation

Company: 00174

Business Unit: None

Year: 18

Period: 6

Account Level of Detail = 5

Calculate YTD Net Income or Loss is not selected

Suppress Zero Balances is not selected

MCU (Business Unit)= 175

Layout: N/A

Format: N/A

Name: SAMPLE001 Description: Income Statement for Business Unit 175

Company: 00174

Business Unit: 175

Year: 18

Period: 6

Account Level of Detail = 5

Calculate YTD Net Income or Loss is not selected

Suppress Zero Balances is not selected

CO (Company) = 175

Income Statement by Business Unit

Format: Interactive Viewer