Batch Versions

Batch versions read the master specifications from the report template. The sections and fields that you select in the report template appear in the associated batch versions. However, batch versions typically differ slightly from the report template. You can define different data selection, data sequencing, and processing options for each batch version.

There are also several report specifications that can be overwritten at the version level, including:

  • Layout

  • Data selection

  • Event rules

  • Database output

  • Data sequencing

Batch versions enable you to preserve template integrity while providing custom processing to meet a specific business need. Instead of creating a separate report template to provide multiple variations of a report, you can create one report template with multiple batch versions. For example, you might design a monthly variance report that contains totals for the entire company. If you need to run a quarterly variance report that includes only data for the Western region, you can create a version of the report template and define data selection to meet the requirement.

Batch versions process the specifications read from the report template and any changes that are overwritten in the version. Batch versions first read the master specifications from the report template, then override these specification with the version specifications. You can create additional batch versions by either adding a new version or copying an existing version.