Submitting Batch Versions Using runubexml

The runubexml command line requires an XML input file to provide instructions on processing the report. Using this command is nearly as flexible as submitting a batch process directly within JD Edwards EnterpriseOne. This method enables you to override:

  • Processing options

  • Data selection

  • Data sequencing

You must have an XML input file available for each processing variation of each batch version that you want to run.

To use runubexml, you must create an XML input file which provides JD Edwards EnterpriseOne with batch processing instructions. If you are routinely submitting the same reports with the same options for processing, consider creating several XML files for each report.

Create and submit an XML file that provides JD Edwards EnterpriseOne with:

  • Your JD Edwards EnterpriseOne user ID.

  • Your JD Edwards EnterpriseOne password.

  • The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne environment to access.

  • The name of the report.

  • The name of the batch version to be processed.

The system returns a new XML input file that defines the report version and any associated processing option values. You can modify this input file and create several variations of it.

You can run the XML input file as often as required. Changing the input file does not modify the batch version that is saved in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne. The input file only provides the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne batch processing engine with data; JD Edwards EnterpriseOne does not maintain any connection between the XML input file and the report upon which it is based. If you modify the report template in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne and you want those modifications to be reflected in the output you receive with the XML input file, you must either modify the existing input file or generate a new input file.