Submitting the XML Input File for Processing

After you have edited and saved the jdeRequest.xml, run this command:

runubexml S jdeRequest.xmlFilenamexml

Substitute Filename with the name that you want to call this file. Oracle recommends naming the file after the report and version upon which it is based, such as R014021_XJDE0001. The runubexml command submits the jdeRequest.xml file for processing and returns the input XML file that you require to run the batch job.

At this point, you can edit Filename.xml. For example, you can modify the processing options, data selection, or data sequencing. Create several input files based on the same batch version with slightly different processing option values. This saves you time if you run the variations on a regular basis.

Note: The input XML file is precisely formatted according to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne input specifications. Altering the format of the file beyond modifying input values might result in errors when the file is run.