Aligning Fields and Columns Across Sections

Open a columnar report template in RDA that includes a level break footer.

  1. Click the total in the level break footer.

  2. Hold down the Ctrl key and, in the columnar section, click the column variable that is associated with the total.

  3. From the Layout menu, select Align.

  4. Select the All Sections option under the Apply to heading.

  5. On the Align Objects form, select one of these options under the Left to Right heading:

    • Left Edges

    • Center

    • Right Edges

      Typically, when aligning numeric values, you want to align by the right edges so that the decimal places line up properly.

    • No Changes.

  6. Click Apply to view the changes without leaving the form.

  7. When the alignment is complete, click OK.